Data journalism and more generally, data-based communication represents a rapidly growing experience in higher educational courses and in professional training in European countries, since the media and news systems are more and more appreciating the use of data, in a systematic and scientific way, in the production of journalistic and communication content.
WEBJOU project aims to promote knowledge exchange and multidisciplinary teaching and learning innovation in the Western Balkan reality, for what concerns providing all knowledge and skills, in particular from fields such as data science, statistics, visualization and communication, necessary to fruitfully operate in the data journalism and data communication frameworks.
Steering Committe
Paola Vocca, UNITUS – Italy

Paola Vocca is an Associate Professor in Computer Science since October 2002 at UNITUS since 2011. The main research interests concern the algorithms and data structures with particular reference to the analysis, the representation and the visualization of large graphs. In particular, she dealt with the combinatorial problems concerning distance-based measures; the automatic drawing of graphs and the design of communication networks. She teaches courses for graduated students on UX methodologies and tools for web-based applications, and Data Analysis. She is also an expert of the European Community for Information Technology “Embedded Systems” and she participates with different roles at several projects both national and European: information about publications can be found here.
Carlo Contardo, UNITUS – Italy

Degree in Economics – University of Tuscia. Since 2001 head of the Mobility and International Cooperation Office. Coordinator of Mobility and International Cooperation Office staff. Administrative Responsible for the Erasmus Agreement KA103 and KA107 procedures and the Erasmus Mobility KA103 and KA107 (outgoing and incoming) of students, professors and administrative staff. Administrative responsible of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility KA107 projects (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019). Responsible for the international university cooperation procedures. From 2008 to 2016 Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) of the University of Tuscia to the European Commission. Since 2004 administrative coordinator of projects financed under the following programs: Leonardo da Vinci; LLP Erasmus Programme “Partnerships action”; Erasmus Intensive Programme; LLP Support for European Cooperation in Education and Training; LLP Grundtvig Programme – Multilateral Projects. Organizational skills and competences in EU administrative reporting and procedures in particular within Education.
Efi Ntrouva, UNITUS – Italy

Efi Ntrouva, is a PhD Candidate in Sociology (Panteion University and Paul Valery III), holds two bachelor’s degrees in human(National and Kapodistrian University of Athens/department of Theology) and Social Sciences(Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences/department of Sociology) and a interdisciplinary Master in gender studies. Since 2018 works at International Relations and European Union Department of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences on the project management of the Erasmus + International Credit Mobility Program and implementation of Inter-Institutional Agreements. Considerable experience in management, research, planning, monitoring, implementation, budgeting of European and national projects (KA2, Horizon) as project manager and researcher (2014-today). Since 2004-2013 she belonged also to the scientific coordination team for the social inclusion of sensitive and vulnerable groups projects that cofounded by ESF worked with vulnerable groups, domestic violence victims, early school leave youth, inclusion, digitalization and law qualification adults.
Susana Martins Marques, UNL – Portugal

Susana Martins Marques is a Research Assistant at NOVA IMS. She got a Master’s in Geographical Information Systems and Science at Nova Information Management School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She has a background in Environmental Engineering and her research interests are Hydrology, Ecosystem Services and Geographical Information Systems. Taught for two years, in Nova IMS, Geospatial Intelligence. Susana worked on a few ERASMUS+ joint research projects related to Data Literacy and Data Journalism, e.g., DATALIT (Data Literacy at the interface of higher education and business) and JOULE (Data Journalism Courses for Higher Education). Recently, Susana started working on a project called WEBJOU (Western Balkan higher educational courses in data journalism), related to data journalism and directed to the Western Balkan geographical area. One of her current goals is to close the gap between data users and non-data users, through effective communication and data storytelling, in order to make information easily comprehensible.
Andrea Nelson Mauro, Dataninja – Italy

Andrea Nelson Mauro has a background in journalism, with a strong expertise in project management of training programs at different levels, and works in the field of data-driven training since 2012. He is responsible for Dataninja’s partnerships, learning programs development, joint initiatives in the context of Education and Training with private, public and not for profit entities at national and European level. Andrea has several collaborations as lecturer in training programmes of several Universities (Bologna, San Marino, Politecnico di Milano), newsrooms and schools. He is also linked through partnerships and collaborations with the most important EU teams for innovation in journalism.
Benedetta Tonnini, Dataninja – Italy

Benedetta Tonnini is the Dataninja School’s project manager. After her degree in International Relations, she moved to Belgium where she worked with the Red Cross and the UN in the communication field. She then approached the world of academic research, which made her realise the need to strengthen data analysis skills. She therefore completed a master in Data storytelling at Dataninja School, an educational community that has involved over 5000 students since 2020 and has an audience of about 30,000 contacts reached monthly through its newsletter, magazine and social channels. She also carries out research activities on Data Literacy issues and coordinates Dataninja’s international training projects, both in the field of research on new formats and teaching methods (Erasmus plus, Creative Europe) and in the implementation of tailored training projects (such as for the European Data Journalism network).
Ines Troshani, UET – Albania

Ines Troshani is a PhD in Management Candidate at the University of Bologna, and also holds an MBA from Gonzaga University, U.S.A and BA in Finance from the European University of Tirana. Ines has 6 years of combined experience in project management, research and teaching in higher education, in Albania and abroad. She has been involved in various research projects mainly in the economic field, but not limited to. Her fields of interest regarding research include knowledge transfer, intrapreneurial capabilities and university industry collaboration. Ms. Troshani is currently Project Manager at the Office for Project Development and Internationalization at UET.
Belina Bedini, UAMD – Albania

Belina Bedini is a full-time lecturer at the Department of Political Science at the public university Aleksandër Moisiu in Durrës, Albania. She graduated in political sciences at Bologna University and has a Ph.D. in international relations from Tirana University.
Her fields of research are on public policies, globalisation, history, and international relations. She is experienced in EU project management, as before he started her full-time academic career, she had been leading the Directorate of International Relations at the Aleksandër Moisiu University of Durrës. Actually, she is leading a Jean Monnet Module on democracy and communication in the EU.
Nevila Xhindi, UMSH/MUA – Albania

Dr. Xhindi has actively participated in the public sphere in Albania through lecturing, research and publications in the academic sphere as well as project development in various social areas. He holds a PhD Degree in Human Geography from the University of Tirana and has successfully completed a second PhD Degree in Regional Development and Planning at the University of Potsdam, Germany. He was awarded a Fulbright/Humphrey scholarship to pursue her postgraduate studies at the State University of Pennsylvania in the United States in the programme: Education Policy and Comparative Studies. Dr. Xhindi has been working as a lecturer for more than 29 years in many Universities in Albania and has been awarded by the European Commission the Jean Monnet Chair at the European University of Tirana for the first time in Albania.
Ajsela Toci, UMSH/MUA – Albania

Master of Science in Political Science and International Relations at Epoka University. She works as a part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Tirana) at the Department of Political Science. Teaching courses such as: Introduction to Political Science, Ethics in Public Administration, Managing Conflicts in Philosophical Perspective. She also works as a grant researcher at the Institutional Cooperation Projects Development Office at the Mediterranean University of Albania. Field of Academic Interest: Theories of IR, Political Science, Security, Conflict Resolution. Ms. Ajsela Toci has been a moderator and organizer of various forums, workshops, and conferences at Epoka University, Centre of European Studies, Economic Society of Albania, Atlantic Council of Albania, and International Bruch University (BiH).
Nazim Haliti, UC – Kosovo

Nazim Haliti works at the Universum International College since 2015 as Adminstration Manager and lecturer in the Department of Political Sciences. He holds bachelor degree in Political Science and Master of Public Sector Management from the Universum International College.
He has worked for almost 11 years as a journalist and more than 9 years in the civil society sector, where he has been engaged in the field of the rule of law, with special emphasis on research on public policy documents, directing and managing many programs and projects that have contributed to sustainable development, civic activism and public safety in Kosovo.
He was the co-author and editor of several research reports and policy papers in the field of public policies in Kosovo. His experience includes contribution with various intergovernmental and civil society groups in drafting and overseeing the national strategic documents related to community safety and security.
Edmond Muhaxheri, RIT – Kosovo

Statistics and Quality Assurance expert. Dr. Muhaxheri has many years of experience with RIT Kosovo, teaching Statistics and Mathematics courses. Over the years he has also taught Commodity Market Analysis, Research Techniques, and Exploring Innovation. He is heavily involved in the university’s accreditation and quality assurance process in Kosovo, having led the process for about 9 years. Dr. Muhaxheri is a recipient of Fulbright Scholar In-Residence scholarship, and spent the 2019/2020 academic year in the USA, teaching at Drake University and Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC). In addition, in summer of 2014 he was a visiting faculty at University of Central Arkansas (UCA) to assess their mathematical platform for developmental maths. Subsequently, in 2015, he was the recipient of another grant to implement the UCA platform at RIT Kosovo. His primary area of research interests lies in health insurance financing.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dukagjin Leka, UKZ – Kosovo

Dukagjin Leka works as full-time lecturer at the University ‘Kadri Zeka’ Gjilan (UKZ) teaching subjects such as: European Law and Legislation, Public International Law, Private International Law, International Organizations and International Human Rights Law. He is serving at the same time also as Vice – Rector for International Relations at UKZ. His research interests include Academic integrity, International Law, European Law, European Institutions and European Integration, International organizations, International Human Rights Law, International Relations, Democracy, Comparative Law, Comparative Politics, etc. Dukagjin has long experience working with Erasmus+ projects, where he has been coordinator and project manager of different projects. He has very long experience (around 17 years) working for international organizations (UNMIK-United Nations Mission in Kosovo and EULEX-European Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo).
Selim Daku, UKZ – Kosovo

Selim Daku has directly been involved in Erasmus+ projects in UKZ. He has supported the Project Coordinator for the project QUADIC to be written and will support it in the implementation phase. He is also project manager in one of the Erasmus+ CBHE projects. Assistant professor of subjects: European Law and Legislation, Public International Law, International Organizations and International Human Rights Law. He is also executive director of Kosovo Center of Diplomacy (non-profit organization operating in Kosovo). He has a long experience in civil society and project management. He has finished bachelor studies in Faculty of Education and Faculty of Economy, and has master degree in diplomacy and lastly in demography. Selim is Doctor of Science in Diplomacy and International Relations. He has been the leader of the Kosovo students and has experience in project management.
Betim Berisha

Prof. Assoc. Ugljesa Marjanovic, UNS – Serbia

Ugljesa Marjanovic is an Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Novi Sad. Ugljesa has earned his PhD degree in Industrial Engineering at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia. He was a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering at the City University London. Ugljesa held visiting posts at Bloomsburg University, Penn State University, and helped set up the Cisco Entrepreneur Institute at the University of Novi Sad in Serbia. He has also been an Adviser to the Minister of Innovation at the Government of Serbia. His research, teaching, and advisory activities are at the intersection of innovation, industrial engineering, strategy, and management. His preferred research methods are field surveys, interviews, and observations, as well as multivariate statistical analysis.
Prof. Assoc. Dr. Ezmolda Barolli, UT – Albania

Prof. Assoc. Dr. Ezmolda Barolli is a lecturer of Computer Networks & Security and Research Methods in the Department of Statistics and Applied Informatics at Faculty of Economy, UT.
She received the Doctor degree in 2010, in the Information Systems program with a dissertation in the field of integration of ICT in higher education, as well as the title of Associate Professor in 2015, at the Department of Statistics and Applied Informatics, FEUT. Her research interest is focused on computer network and security, information systems, e-learning, e-government, and e-services. Currently she is a member of the Commissions of Project Evaluation of the program “UT – Research, Excellence and Innovation”, at University of Tirana, as well as of the projects in the field of “System and Information Technologies”, at National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation.
Prof. Dr. Nevila Baci, UT – Albania

Prof. Dr. Nevila Baci is graduated in the Faculty of Economy of University of Tirana in 1987 with excellent results. She has a long experience in academia, starting as a researcher in Academy of Science in Albania, and then as a lecturer in the Faculty of Economy of University of Tirana. Her career has been focused on research in the field of Information Systems. She defended her doctorate in 2005 at the University of Tirana, in the field of E-government. Since 2011 she holds the academic title “Associate Professor” and since 2022 she is a Full Professor in University of Tirana. She has a lot of experience as a co-author in scientific projects at the international level. She is currently Head of the Department of Statistics and Applied Informatics, at the Faculty of Economy of the University of Tirana. She is also leading some core subjects such as Informatics, Information Systems, E-Commerce, at the Business Informatics study program.
Dr. Romina Muka, UT – Albania

Dr. Romina Muka is a Lecturer in University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy, Department of Statistics and Applied Informatics, Albania, since 2015. She is also a PhD Candidate in Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, Norway. Her current research interest is focused on optimal deployment of sensors and controllers for the operation of the smart distribution grid. She is the author of several scientific articles in Smart Grid, Information Systems, and Information Security.